Feral Sonnets Bry Feral Sonnets Bry


silence screaming louder

idle, allowing

venom seeps through power

stripping, disavowing

adversity standing still

bigotry takes aim

devouring free will

history consumed in flame

empathy sobs, witnessing

wounds too vast to mend

tyrants plunder, deafening—

humanity meets its end

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Unholy Thoughts Bry Unholy Thoughts Bry

The Illusion of Mistakes

If you take two seconds of your free will as a human and critically think about this, you’ll be able to pick out when you’re being manipulated. It’s everywhere, it’s why you buy the things you buy, why you pass judgement the way you pass judgement, it’s why you like the things you like and hate the things you hate.

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Witchy Shit Bry Witchy Shit Bry

The Scent of Solstice

Winter Solstice celebration and today I finally put on my Yule simmer pot, smells amazing and covers your home in a loving blanket of intention for the holiday season. I mostly use things around the kitchen but Mike was kind to run around finding some extra ingredients for this year ‪‪❤︎

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Unholy Thoughts Bry Unholy Thoughts Bry

The Art of Seeing Women

Women who capture your beauty and talent for eternity because the lens doesn’t lie or fake a smile—the lens will expose who loves you because they see you.

I love the women who are close to me, who know me, who want to know me, who I want to know. I just love everything about being a woman—the experience, the sensitivity, the beauty, the romance, the fun. I love being a woman.

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Feral Sonnets Bry Feral Sonnets Bry


let me see my own heart clear

with compassion for yours, ever near

what others see is theirs alone,

a gaze that cannot touch my own

in quiet strength, the heart remains;

unmoved by looks, untouched by chains

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Scar Tissue Bry Scar Tissue Bry

The Weight of It All

I’m so worried for so many reasons but who am I to worry for myself or my current and future health when I experience such privilege? Of having a home not destroyed by our Nature Mother, of having healthcare, of having support, of having food and of having an option to even post this nonsense?

What is this balance I should have? Where is the bright side that everyone keeps telling me to look towards???

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The Womb War Bry The Womb War Bry

Firsthand Reckoning

Pro-birth is not pro-life with a system that isn’t built to encourage, engage or support single parents - nothing is built to support the birth giver or the children living in adversity.

I was a product of a culture that preaches anti-choice and I grew up with a mother who detested my existence.

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Unholy Thoughts Bry Unholy Thoughts Bry

I Believed You

Religion is beautiful, I find faith to be resounding and at times, magical. My belief system is specific to me and I won’t share it with you unless it’s appropriate to do so. I align myself with my own personal values that I’ve gathered throughout my life and I also give myself the grace to learn more, incorporating ideals that bring me closer to what I see as my true and highest self during this lifetime.

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Feral Sonnets Bry Feral Sonnets Bry

..~•august eve

mockery surrounds each fleeting trend

i brace myself for what lies on your bend

exhaustion comes

a friend who’s close at hand

to keep the pace

i must follow the algorithms command

a necessary evil we partake

in this relentless race impossible to break

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