Feral Sonnets Bry Feral Sonnets Bry


silence screaming louder

idle, allowing

venom seeps through power

stripping, disavowing

adversity standing still

bigotry takes aim

devouring free will

history consumed in flame

empathy sobs, witnessing

wounds too vast to mend

tyrants plunder, deafening—

humanity meets its end

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Feral Sonnets Bry Feral Sonnets Bry


let me see my own heart clear

with compassion for yours, ever near

what others see is theirs alone,

a gaze that cannot touch my own

in quiet strength, the heart remains;

unmoved by looks, untouched by chains

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Feral Sonnets Bry Feral Sonnets Bry

..~•august eve

mockery surrounds each fleeting trend

i brace myself for what lies on your bend

exhaustion comes

a friend who’s close at hand

to keep the pace

i must follow the algorithms command

a necessary evil we partake

in this relentless race impossible to break

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