silence screaming louder
idle, allowing
venom seeps through power
stripping, disavowing
adversity standing still
bigotry takes aim
devouring free will
history consumed in flame
empathy sobs, witnessing
wounds too vast to mend
tyrants plunder, deafening—
humanity meets its end
..~•yule’s embrace
a night of calm, serene and still,
we wait for the sun to crest the hill.
resting now as the world takes flight,
hidden blooms stir in our quiet night.
celebrations carved in stone,
souls abandoned, left alone.
legacies of hatred condemned
rusted — you descend
let me see my own heart clear
with compassion for yours, ever near
what others see is theirs alone,
a gaze that cannot touch my own
in quiet strength, the heart remains;
unmoved by looks, untouched by chains
..~•the weight of knowing
My art is empathy.
My art is honesty.
My art is the visualization of pain.
My art does not turn to beauty if it does not speak to you.
My art does not exist if you are blind.
..~•be still
nature mother hear our plea
grant peace to calm our tears
spare us from what we can’t undo
and quiet all our fears
guard us from your storming winds
..~•no longer breathing
the smothered screaming pain
to feel the burn of a world unraveling?
i cannot turn away
my empathy continues to smolder—
it is this fire that keeps me breathing
my awareness never leaving
..~•gracie ♡
my vow is to never use her
for wicked games of spite
i had an abuser
stricken me with all her might
grace is her name
given away from the pain
..~•august eve
mockery surrounds each fleeting trend
i brace myself for what lies on your bend
exhaustion comes
a friend who’s close at hand
to keep the pace
i must follow the algorithms command
a necessary evil we partake
in this relentless race impossible to break
..~•weeds are flowers too
ive been playing with nature lately
i missed her
she was waiting for me
pulling out color
an aura of what could be
perhaps what we cant see
more than woman
beyond human
a soul sincere
a traveler seeking
with purpose untold
in stories unfold