The Illusion of Mistakes
I spent hours of my day today listening to the hardest things for the sake of being educated on it first hand; I refuse to be willfully ignorant or influenced in what to think. This gesture, this salute - was the cherry on top of a very dictatorship themed inauguration; something that was promised by the people who delivered it.
Most of the time I’m posting into the void, my friends list is small - I’m just here for my FB memories and to keep up with friends all over the world. I hope of all the shit I share, that this one gets read.
I am literally in the business of Marketing and PR.
The agency that’s paid big bucks to get ahead of and control a narrative for people like this are genius in excusing behavior because that’s what they’re paid to do, they’re absolute experts - a mistake is made, a solution that will make sense to the masses is pushed out and we all move on. It perpetuates problems by excusing them.
If you take two seconds of your free will as a human and critically think about this, you’ll be able to pick out when you’re being manipulated. It’s everywhere, it’s why you buy the things you buy, why you pass judgement the way you pass judgement, it’s why you like the things you like and hate the things you hate.
This was not a gesture of the “heart”, this was exactly what it looked like.