The Cost of Being Ignored
I’m having surgery next week to resolve some serious health issues that I’ve been dealing with. I’ve come to terms with the outlook and I feel really positive that l’ll finally experience a pain-free life, something I’ve never had before. My version of healthy may look or be different than someone else’s and it’s taken a long time for me to understand what that means.
I also wanted to make a post to thank everyone who has checked in on me and shown me kindness. If any of my friends or chosen family were knowingly in a situation similar to mine, I can promise that I would show my support and care in any way that felt right.
I can’t even begin to explain the isolation of the last two months and what my body has forced from me. I have such an incredible support system, most days I don’t want to talk but on the rare ones that I can get up and get pretty and have a friendly conversation, I know who is awaiting my return from under my blanket cave.
I know what support and love is and I know very well who’s given that to me and I am eternally grateful for the small and big ways that my circle has helped to get me through this.
Finally, this world is not designed to be sick. The healthcare system is not designed to heal and it isn’t there to ensure that you are listened to either.
I have gone through my own personal hell of advocating for my health and finding a care team that validates my pain and finds the problem to fix. Even with multiple documented surgeries and symptoms, I was still ignored.
If you have a health problem, specifically if you have female organs, don’t stop advocating. Even when you are exhausted and emotional and you’ve been made to feel hysterical - keep advocating and insist on proper testing. Find a functional health care provider who looks at the whole body and then find a team of medical professionals who will take care of you.
You just can’t stop. I lived with chronic pain for over ten years after my first surgery before trying to find another solution, it took two years for someone to address the problem and now my entire future and lifestyle are unknown.
It’s painful in all ways.
I’m here for you.